Deserts, Oceans & Rivers
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50 THINGS TO DO AT THE BEACHHardbound$5.95 $17.95
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HOLDING BACK THE RIVER: The Struggle Against Nature on America's WaterwaysPaperbound$3.95 $18.00
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RIVER CRUISES: Traveling Europe's Most Beautiful WaterwaysHardbound$44.95 $60.00
LAKES: Their Birth, Life, and DeathHardboundPrice cut to $14.95 $27.95
SEAWEEDS OF THE WORLD: A Guide to Every OrderHardbound$24.95 $29.95
MAGDALENA: River of DreamsHardbound$9.95 $30.00
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SEA MAMMALS: The Past and Present Lives of Our Oceans' Cornerstone SpeciesHardboundPrice cut to $11.95 $29.95
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THE PO: An Elegy for Italy's Longest RiverHardbound$21.95 $34.99
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CORAL EMPIRE: Underwater Oceans, Colonial Tropics, Visual ModernityPaperbound$6.95 $27.95